Developing Processes For The Low-Cost Manufacturing Of High Purity Silicon Metals For Next-Generation Lithium-ion Batteries

Achieved final critical milestones, completing a successful silicon pour

Message: Re: Graphene and Concretene
Jan 13, 2022 11:11AM
Jan 13, 2022 01:28PM

[chuckle] these days I’m very nervous of posting anything because of the risk of being called a silly old FUDder or a distant and unattractive relative of a platypus, but here goes….

The optimum size of Si in a Lithium Ion battery anode is said to be 150 nm. The NSiR can produce this and it can also produce larger and smaller sizes of Si, including ones down to 15 nm;  which will find huge application in solid state batteries. The question is …. “can the NSiR control the size produced”?

If it can then we’re off to the races and no one can catch us. If it cannot control the size at the production stage then the nanoparticles have to be separated by size, and I don’t know of any mechanical means of sifting that’ll do the trick. How do you even make a sieve with holes 16 nm in diameter? And then how do you scale it up to handle bulk quantities?

Anyone care to hazard an answer?



Jan 13, 2022 10:37PM
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