the QRR does not make powders,it refines quartz into silicon,as a lump,it can then be converted to nano size in the SINR (silicon nano reactor) where they say they can make
Since 2015 HPQ has been developing the PUREVAP™ Quartz Reduction Reactor (QRR) Project.
The PUREVAP™ “Quartz Reduction Reactors” (QRR), an innovative process (patent pending), which will permit the one-step transformation of quartz (SiO2) into high purity silicon (Si) at reduced costs, energy input, and carbon footprint that will propagate its considerable renewable energy potential.
The PUREVAP™ Silicon Nano Reactor (SiNR), a new proprietary process that can use different purities of silicon (Si) as feedstock, to make spherical silicon nanopowders and nanowires.