Developing Processes For The Low-Cost Manufacturing Of High Purity Silicon Metals For Next-Generation Lithium-ion Batteries

Achieved final critical milestones, completing a successful silicon pour

Message: Save Canadian Mining Interview

Blue, you're not a "just" ... you are the reason we are all doing this.  Without small cap investors there are no companies.

The reason I started AGORACOM was to fight for the little guy.  I've been like that my whole life and especially in high school as a 6'3 athlete that didn't allow bullying to take place.

These naked shorters are bullies ... and we're not going to take it anymore.

Yes, you absolutely can donate small amounts to the cause.  Nothing would make me prouder than to see 1,000 investors donate $100 each.  Just like in any war, every small contribution is actually a very big contribution when it provides the margin of victory at the very end.

Here is the Donation URL on the Save Canadian Mining site

Blue Falcon, you're an inspiration and I hope that all HPQ investors here + read this and follow your lead by:

1.  Making a donation

2. Encouraging and motivating each other to do the same.

It's rare when we get an opportunity to make history by fighting actual forces of evil.  That opportunity is now right in front of us.  That's why I'm here at 12:07 am reading posts and answering questions on AGORACOM, Linkedin, X and DM's everywhere.

This fight is very winnable and if we succeed we will have created a decades long legacy while quite possibly making some good money as our companies are given the opportunity they deserve.

With respect and thanks,


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