Developing Processes For The Low-Cost Manufacturing Of High Purity Silicon Metals For Next-Generation Lithium-ion Batteries

Achieved final critical milestones, completing a successful silicon pour

Message: HPQ Shatters Fumed Silica Tech With Reductions Of 93% CapEx, 90% Energy and 84% Greenhouse Gases

HPQ Silicon Inc. has reached a significant milestone in transforming the fumed silica industry with its groundbreaking technology, poised to revolutionize manufacturing processes and capture a substantial market share. The company's recent advancements highlight its potential to lead the market with eco-friendly and cost-efficient fumed silica production.

Transformative Technological Advancements

Key Achievements:

  • Energy Consumption: Reduced by 90%
  • Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Lowered by 84-88%
  • Capital Costs: Slashed by 93%
  • Hydrogen Chloride Gas: Completely eliminated

These advancements underline HPQ Silicon's commitment to sustainable practices, drastically cutting down on energy use and environmental impact while significantly lowering production costs.

The giants of the fumed silica market have taken notice of HPQ's disruptive potential, evidenced by multiple non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) with leading manufacturers. This immediate industry interest validates HPQ's technological strides and sets the stage for strategic partnerships and future growth.

The Importance of Fumed Silica

Fumed silica, a versatile micro-powder, is a critical component in various industries, including:

  • Personal Care and Pharmaceuticals: Used in cosmetics and toothpaste
  • Construction and Adhesives: Enhancing product durability
  • Batteries and Electronics: Improving performance and efficiency

Progress Towards Commercialization

HPQ Silicon is advancing with the pre-commissioning of its 50 tonnes per year (TPY) Fumed Silica Reactor (FSR) Pilot Plant. Set to be operational by early Q3, the pilot plant will transition from lab-scale production to commercial-grade outputs, aiming to meet the high demand for eco-friendly fumed silica.

Pilot Plant Production Goals:

  • Initial production: 150-200 m²/g surface area
  • Future targets: Over 300 m²/g for food and pharma applications

Vision for Global Expansion

HPQ's future plans include deploying multiple 1,000 TPY reactors globally, emphasizing a local production model to reduce transportation costs and environmental impact. This strategy not only meets rising demand but also reinforces HPQ's competitive advantage.

"The materials produced will be sent to several potential clients under NDAs for qualification. These potential clients, who have expressed keen interest in our material, could become strategic partners in our journey. We aim to negotiate offtake agreements for our low-carbon fumed silica material with them."

Enhancing Economic Viability

The updated technical and economic study reveals remarkable cost efficiency and market potential:

  • Capital Expenditure: Around US$10 per Kg of annual capacity, drastically lower than the traditional US$146 per Kg, reducing entry costs by about 93%.
  • Energy Efficiency: Consuming 10-15 KWh per Kg of fumed silica, versus the conventional 100-120 KWh, marking a 90% reduction.
  • Profit Margins: Revised EBITDA margins for fumed silica with 150 m²/g surface area range from 72% to 80%, significantly higher than the industry average of 20%.

These figures underline the transformative potential of HPQ's technology, which not only slashes production costs but also enhances environmental sustainability.

Sole Provider of Low Carbon Fumed Silica

Tourillon emphasized the company’s unique position:

"The Fumed Silica Reactor technology has the potential to change fumed silica manufacturing for the better, and HPQ Silica is uniquely positioned to be the sole provider capable of supplying the materials required to meet the increasing demand for low-carbon fumed silica products."

A Bright Future 

HPQ Silicon's progress towards commercializing its Fumed Silica Reactor technology marks a pivotal moment for investors seeking promising opportunities in the green engineering sector. The company's commitment to innovation and sustainability positions it at the forefront of the industry, ready to meet the growing demand for eco-friendly materials.

To gain a deeper understanding of HPQ's strategic vision and groundbreaking achievements, watch the exclusive interview with CEO Bernard Tourillon. Discover how HPQ is poised to transform the fumed silica market with its cutting-edge technology and strong market positioning.



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