I'm amazed by what seems to be a lack of interest in this stock. All the news i read about them in the last couple of months show a company growing agressively through association and acquisition. signing contracts on all front ``china, india`` and understanding seemingly very well the inticacies of business and governemental structure.
Considering china has all that foreign currencies cash available for stimulating their economy, and the inevitable strenghtening of the yuan in the near future, plus cheap commodities , interior growth should pick up, sooner rather than later. Then energy should shout up once again and this little baby will spring up in a hurry.
So please bring me down from this pink cloud with wise insight if you see otherwise.
China stimulus package of some US$586 B. is about 10% of GDP while US $800 to $900 B. would be around 5-6% GDP .
I've been a big fan of china since Deng Xiaoping came around and i still am they've grown stong through hardships and that's the way to build strong will.
Go HE go