Hole 116: 2.5 Metres Grading 70.34% U3O8 / #10-200: 22.5 Metres Grading 11.3% U3O8 / #30: 69 metres grading 2.33% U3O8 / #10-188B: 7.5 metres grading 29.98% U3O8


Message: NR
Hathor Exploration Limited

Sep 28, 2010 07:30 ET

Hathor Exploration Limited: More Off-Scale Radioactivity at Roughrider as Summer Program Continues to Infill and Extend Uranium Mineralization

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Sept. 28, 2010) - Hathor Exploration Limited (TSX VENTURE:HAT) announces the completion of the 2010 summer drill program at its Midwest Northeast property in the Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan. Successful infill and extension drilling adds numerous intersections of massive and semi-massive pitchblende to both the Roughrider and Roughrider East uranium deposits; two examples are below.

Roughrider East Hole MWNE-10-656A 8.7 m off-scale radioactivity and pitchblende
Figure 1, Photo 1 mineralization within 21.5 m of anomalous
Roughrider Hole MWNE-10-228 2.3 m off-scale radioactivity and pitchblende
Figure 2, Photo 2 mineralization within 11.3 m of anomalous

Overall, the Roughrider system remains open. Aggressive drilling will continue this winter.

2010 Summer Program Summary
The 2010 summer program utilized three drill rigs. A total of 18,840 metres were completed in 52 drill holes (Figure 3). Of those, 21 holes were completed on Roughrider, including two on an aero magnetic anomaly 200 m to the northeast along-strike. A total of 31 drill holes were completed on Roughrider east, including two 60 m along-strike to the west in "the Gap", and seven holes in two transects across the resistivity anomaly to the south.

This News Release covers all drill holes completed at Roughrider this summer, and the final seven drill holes at Roughrider East not included in the previous News Release dated Sept. 1, 2010. Radioactivity summaries of individual drill holes are provided at the end of this release. Complete scintilometer data are in Table 1 and Table 2 available on the Company's website at www.hathor.ca.

Roughrider is proving to be a robust uranium mineralizing system.
From approximately 220 drill holes that pierce the Roughrider deposit:

  • 125 drill holes have massive to semi massive pitchblende mineralization;
  • there are 607 assays from individual half metre samples with > 3% U3O8;
  • 185 drill holes have anomalous radioactivity.

Drill intersections from 2010 improve significantly the continuity of mineralization at Roughrider. Figure 4 shows in two dimensions the continuity of the core zones of mineralization across the 200 metres of strike at Roughrider. The Company continues to develop three-dimensional block solid models for Roughrider based on the rigour of this detailed 2-D section work, and the new infill results. An updated NI43-101-compliant resource model for the Roughrider deposit later this fall.

Roughrider East is proving to have significant mineral potential.
The outline of Roughrider East shown Figure 5 encompasses mineralization intersected in drill holes across 160 metres of strike, from Line 100W to Line 60E. Overall, from a total of 53 drill holes:

  • 27 drill holes have visible semi-massive to massive pitchblende.
  • 47 drill holes have anomalous radioactivity.

The Company is currently developing a detailed outline of mineral zones in two-dimensions, on cross-sections spaced 10 m apart along the core 120 m of strike. A three-dimensional block solid model will be developed for Roughrider East once assays are received from this summer's drilling; a NI43-101-compliant resource model for Roughrider East will be considered pending this work.

Figure 6 schematically summarizes the spatial relationship of alteration and mineralization discovered to date on the property. Priorities for drilling this winter will include:

  • Systematic drilling of "the Gap" west of Roughrider East where two out of three drill holes completed to date have intersected uranium mineralization across 1-2 metres immediately below the unconformity.
  • Further step-out drilling to the east of Roughrider East where mineralization remains open.
  • Further evaluation of the alteration south and west of Roughrider East via reconnaissance-scale drill testing of the 700 m resistivity anomaly along the Midwest Trend.
  • Test the alteration associated with the aeromagnetic anomaly 200 m along-strike to northeast of the Roughrider Deposit.

Individual Drill Hole Radioactivity Summaries:
Roughrider Deposit: Infill Holes.

Drill hole MWNE-10-220, which tested the down-dip extension of mineralization on Line 20E, intersected 11.1 m of anomalous radioactivity over a 72.1 m interval (223.0 to 295.1 m), including a main zone of radioactivity from 237.9 to 245.0 m. This main zone intersected a total of 1.25 m of off-scale radioactivity (> 9999 cps).

Drill hole MWNE-10-221, which tested the down-dip extension of mineralization on Line 30E, intersected 0.4 m of anomalous radioactivity from 254.6 to 255.0 m. The strongest radioactivity intersected reached up to 6100 cps.

Drill hole MWNE-10-226, an infill hole on Line 10W, intersected 0.3 m of anomalous radioactivity from 225.6 to 225.9 m. The strongest radioactivity intersected reached up to 950 cps.

Drill hole MWNE-10-227A, an infill hole on Line 10E, intersected 14.4 m of anomalous radioactivity over a 75.6 m interval (from 211.80 to 287.4 m), including a main zone of radioactivity from 211.8 to 222.7 m. The main zone intersected a total of 0.5 m of off-scale radioactivity (> 9999 cps).

Drill hole MWNE-10-228, an infill hole on Line 30E, intersected 10.5 m of anomalous radioactivity over a 20.5 m interval (from 223.3 to 253.8 m), including a main zone of radioactivity from 223.3 to 245.7 m. The main zone intersected a total of 1.6 m of off-scale radioactivity (> 9999 cps).

Drill hole MWNE-10-229, an infill hole on Line 30E, intersected 7.2 m of anomalous radioactivity over a 29.8 m interval (from 237.2 to 267.0 m), including two zones of radioactivity from 237.2 to 238.4 m and 254.5 to 262.5 m. The two zones intersected a total of 1.0 m of off-scale radioactivity (> 9999 cps).

Drill hole MWNE-10-230, an infill hole on Line 50E, intersected 9.8 m of anomalous radioactivity over a 24.2 m interval (from 248.3 to 272.5 m), including a main zone of radioactivity from 269.9 to 272.5 m. The main zone intersected a total of 0.25 m of off-scale radioactivity (> 9999 cps).

Drill hole MWNE-10-231, was a down-dip infill hole on Line 60E, intersected 6.0 m of anomalous radioactivity over a 23.4 m interval (from 246.0 to 269.4 m). The strongest radioactivity intersected reached up to 8500 cps.

Drill hole MWNE-10-232, was a down-dip extension hole on Line 80E, intersected 0.35 m of anomalous radioactivity at 600 cps.

Drill hole MWNE-10-233A, a down-dip extension hole on Line 50E, intersected 1.7 m of anomalous radioactivity over a 2.3 m interval (from 253.7 to 256.0 m). The strongest radioactivity intersected reached up to 1800 cps.

Drill hole MWNE-10-234 a down-dip extension hole on Line 50E, intersected 3.25 m of anomalous radioactivity over a 12.95 m interval (from 245.0 to 257.95 m). The strongest radioactivity intersected reached up to > 9999 cps.

Drill hole MWNE-10-235, an up-dip infill drill hole on Line 80E. This drill hole did not intersect any significant anomalous radioactivity.

Drill hole MWNE-10-236, an up-dip drill hole on Line 60E. This drill hole did not intersect any significant anomalous radioactivity.

Drill hole MWNE-10-237, an up-dip drill hole on Line 30E, intersected 0.2 m of anomalous radioactivity over a 2.45 m interval (from 212.05 to 214.5 m). The strongest radioactivity intersected reached up to 1200 cps.

Drill hole MWNE-10-238, an up-dip drill hole on Line 50E, intersected 0.45 m of anomalous radioactivity from 258.5 to 258.95 m. The strongest radioactivity intersected reached up to 700 cps.

Drill hole MWNE-10-239, an up-dip drill hole on Line 0E, intersected 1.55 m of anomalous radioactivity from 245.0 246.55 m. The strongest radioactivity intersected reached up to 4000 cps.

Drill hole MWNE-10-240, a down-dip hole on Line 10E, intersected 7.9 m of anomalous radioactivity over a 12.3 m interval (from 227.6 to 239.9 m), including a main zone of radioactivity from 237.65 to 239.9 m. The main zone intersected a total of 0.55 m of off-scale radioactivity (> 9999 cps).

Drill hole MWNE-10-241, a down-dip hole on Line 10E, intersected 9.6 m of anomalous radioactivity over a 15.7 m interval (from 227.4 to 243.1 m), including a main zone of radioactivity from 227.4 to 235.0 m. The main zone intersected a total of 1.25 m of off-scale radioactivity (> 9999 cps).

Drill hole MWNE-10-242B, a magnetic target on Line 40W located to southwest of the Roughrider deposit, did not intersect any significant anomalous radioactivity.

Roughrider East; Extension and Infill.

Drill hole MWNE-10-652, a 20 m step-out down dip of hole 10-649 on Line 40E, intersected several discrete zones of variably anomalous radioactivity. The main zone of anomalous radioactivity extended from 318.7 to 341.6 m, is found within a wider alteration zone extending to 372.5 m. The strongest radioactivity intersected reached up to 1200 cps.

Drill hole MWNE-10-653, a 20 m step-out down dip of hole 10-652 on Line 40E, did not intersect any significant anomalous radioactivity.

Drill hole MWNE-10-654, a 20 m down dip of hole 10-651A on Line 60E, intersected two zones of anomalous radioactivity. The main zone comprising 17.9 m of anomalous radioactivity is found within a wider alteration zone of 70.0 m. This main zone contains one 0.2 m interval of off-scale radioactivity (> 9999 cps). The second zone, found below the main zone, is comprised of 2.7 m of anomalous radioactivity with the strongest intersected radioactivity of 2500 cps.

Drill hole MWNE-10-655B, which targeted up-dip of hole 10-649 on Line 50E, intersected several thin discrete zones of anomalous radioactivity, totalling 3.6 m, over a broader zone of 134.3 m. The strongest radioactivity intersected reached up to 5000 cps. Due to drill hole deviation, it pierced the radioactivity on Line 40E. Due to drill hole deviation, it pierced the radioactivity on Line 40E.

Drill hole MWNE-10-656A, an infill hole between 10-623 and 10-618 on Line 60W intersected two main zones of anomalous radioactivity and several thin zones of anomalous radioactivity over a broad zone of 51.7 m. The upper zone comprises 9.6 m of anomalous radioactivity with the strongest radioactivity intersected reaching up to 7000 cps. The stronger, lower zone intersected is the main zone of anomalous radioactivity and totalls 16.9 m of anomalous radioactivity. This zone contained numerous intervals of off-scale radioactivity (> 9999 cps) that totalled 6.6 m.

Drill hole MWNE-10-657A, an infill hole up-dip of 10-622 on line 60W, intersected several discrete zones of variably anomalous radioactivity, totalling 4.7 m, over a broader zone of 50.9 m. The strongest radioactivity intersected was 7000 cps.

Natural gamma emission radiation is measured in counts per second (cps) using an Exploranium GR-110 hand-held gamma-ray scintillometer. The reader is cautioned that scintillometer readings are not directly or uniformly related to uranium grades of the rock sample measured, and should be used only as a preliminary indication of the presence of radioactive materials. All intersections are down-hole, core-length intervals and true thickness of mineralization is yet to be determined.

Terra Ventures Inc. owns a qualified 10% interest on the Property, carried to the completion of a positive feasibility study on the Roughrider Deposit.

Alistair McCready, Ph.D., P.Geo., Hathor's Exploration Manager with responsibility for all of Hathor's exploration in Saskatchewan, and Michael Gunning, Ph.D., P.Geo, Hathor's Chief Operating Officer, are Qualified Persons as defined by National Instrument 43-101 and have reviewed and approved the technical disclosure contained in this news release.

Hathor Exploration Limited

Stephen G. Stanley, President

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

For more information, please contact

Hathor Exploration Limited
Tony Nunziata
Hathor Exploration Limited
Kelsea Murray
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