has anyone read through the filing??
Exploration Operations
- Langmuir Property:
Due to the more advanced state of exploration and the promising results of the Company’ sLangmuir Property, this project has become, and continues to be, the principal focus of the Company’s resources and attention. The current diamond drilling program, now consisting of three active diamond drills, which will continue toexplore the currently detected ore bodies as well as to test other anomalies. At the time of this writing, two separate ore bodies have been identified on the Langmuir property, one is north of the past producing Langmuir No. 2 Mine area. The second is in the area surrounding the past producing Langmuir No. 1 Mine. During 2006, core drilling focused on the North Zone. Although extensive drilling occurred there, neither the northern limits nor the depth of the North Zone have yet been defined. (See: “Performance Summary”.)