Welcome To The Inspiration Mining HUB On AGORACOM

The company is exploring for nickel deposits on its Langmuir property near Timmins, Ontario; for nickel-gold-copper on its Cleaver and Douglas properties; and for molybdenum and rare earth elements at recently acquired Desrosiers property.

Message: Quit the BS and lets get back to business

Re: Quit the BS and lets get back to business - Minvest

posted on Oct 16, 2008 09:33AM

Minvest - firstly not sure why I have to justify my posting or lack thereof to you but just so you know I have been buried by new business ventures so have not had a lot of time to post here. Secondly there has been basically nothing to post about for 5 months now as we wait for various reports etc. I could have spent numerous hours rebutting the usual suspect who appear here but what is the point, they are fanatics and not interested in anything resembling truth, just witness any questioning of LBE, they freak out and refuse to answer any straight-forward questions, instead answering questions with questions. They hate ISM, and refuse to acknowledge any issues with their own company.

I rarely read your posts Minvest given I find them harder to understand than Stephane Dion and even less interesting. When you have value to add to this forum then you also earn the right in my book to criticize other posters, and you haven't done that. If anyone else wants the illustrious position of hub leader here then go for it, the pay is lousy and all you get are barely-literate boobs whining about your posts on other forums. When we have something to talk about, and the market finally shakes off the utter chaos currently gripping it, then I'll definitely have a lot more to say. Until then Minvest, get a life.


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