Geez Whale as spokesperson for this company you may want to take your meds for your bi-polarism. Settle down champ. This is an ex-plo-r-a-tor-y company. Theres not going to be a daily newspaper with the goings on each minute. ISM does not have a huge staff running all over the country side. Look at GCR. Do you want promises like that each week. Their stock price still falters lower more than ever. Heck our neighbors have been halted and bankrupt and look at the promises made there, and continue to be made.
I admit communication could be improved. Once theres any news people seem to want something new again. Yes the MDnA is dry reading. The AIF - yawn. Are you going to be bored reading the met study (when its out), or do you want other boards to interpret it for you. Will the 43-101 get your fix for only an hour or two? When these reports do come out I expect people to be discussing them in detaiil for many months afterward. The longer the wait, the better.
For all the problems in the markets this last year do you not think ISM has been in the best shape than any other junior out their. No reason for that not to continue. Whaler, maybe re-re-post those Q1 drill results. Look at them closely. Anyone tells you we have nothing in the ground they either have their head up their urse, or prefer rumours and gossip and misinformation. Clue in folks and do your DD!