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The company is exploring for nickel deposits on its Langmuir property near Timmins, Ontario; for nickel-gold-copper on its Cleaver and Douglas properties; and for molybdenum and rare earth elements at recently acquired Desrosiers property.

Message: Melkior OT

Thanks Van

So when should we start moving based on our Barton property LOL?

Dry Fork

"The Company also owns a lease on, and an option to acquire a 100% interest (less a 5% Net Smelter Return but, by special definition , that NSR also includes deduction of costs associated with mining, milling, processing, transportation and refining, etc. expenses), ownership in, 31 contiguous lode claims (the “Barton Syndicate Property”) covering 246 ha located approximately 35 km southwest of Salt Lake City, Utah, in the United States. (the “Barton Syndicate” or “Dry Fork” Property). This lease and option are held in its wholly owned subsidiary, Inspiration Mining–Utah, Inc., which was incorporated under the laws of the State of Utah on July 15, 2004. To date, exploration of these mineral claims has not commenced. However, the results of the initial geological qualification report which was compiled and discussed in a technical report dated June 30, 2004, are deemed sufficiently encouraging to warrant additional exploration of the Barton Syndicate Property for gold mineralization.

As set out in past reports, the Company's Barton Syndicate/Dry Fork Property in Utah also has indications of potentially significant resources. But for the same reasons as apply to the Company's Jasper Property, the Company's activities relating to the Dry Fork Claims have been limited to the present time. Management is attempting to set aside time within 2008 to pursue resolving and clarifying its access to that property and, as time and human resources allow, possibly undertaking a few months exploration on that property."

As for Douglas/Cleaver, that's supposed to be the present focus of exploration if we read the last filings.

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