As usual it looks like our annual post AGM migration downward is happening. I suspect some more lows as we test and possibly crack 70 cents.
As for 55% turn out on the proxies, you can bet the other 45% forgot they even own ISM. Heck if it wasn't for the mail out who would know what ISM is upto?
Here's the TA chart and it's trending to a bottom for now. I guess if someone wants to buy there will be some cheap shares coming to a portfolio near you. Way to go ISM!! BTW did you guys notice Nickel has doubled in the last since April? Or are we chasing the Gold bug at Barton now?
One year:
Two year: Here you can see the SP for June/July almost halved post AGM (june) when it got down to $1.22. God what I would give to see us at $1.22 again :)