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The company is exploring for nickel deposits on its Langmuir property near Timmins, Ontario; for nickel-gold-copper on its Cleaver and Douglas properties; and for molybdenum and rare earth elements at recently acquired Desrosiers property.

Message: Is this the week?

Is this the week?

posted on Dec 06, 2009 05:06PM

Well Whale, any chance for cyberbeers this week (or cyber eggnog perhaps) if the reports come out? In my opinion the sooner the better. Peoples attention will increasingly drift toward the jingle jangle of the season as the month progresses.

In the meantime I've been reviewing the company's presentation available on the website. Its not as technical as say the technical report but here are a few of the highlights from it. Its all been said before here but still worth keeping in mind.

The Langmuir project covers 1,078.69 ha or 2,211.81 acres.

Its located 25km southeast of the City of Timmins Ontario. And the City itself is only located about 22km west of Xstrata's metallurgical centre.

Langmuir is also 290 miles north of the metallurgical facilities in Sudbury, Ontario.

The Langmuir One minesite has already produced 111,502 tons of ore grading 1.71% Nickel.

Noranda and INCO have already produced 1,133,750 tons of ore avergaing 1.45% nickel out of the old Langmuir Two mine. Our North Zone deposit should be an extension of that ore body, based on reports.

At the Langmuir No. 1 Mine, massive sulphide mineralization of up to 1.5 metres thick is overlain by up to 7 metres of net-textured sulphides, followed by up to 13 metres of disseminated sulphides.

At the Langmuir No.2 Mine - North Zone the sulphide concentration ranges from 5% (disseminated) to 30% (rounded blebs). The low-grade nickel mineralization haloes has an averaged "true width" of 22 metres to 44 metres with a 50 metre to 75 metre strike length in which "the zone widens at depth" (approximately 100metres to 125 metres below surface) to 75 metre to 117 metre "true width".

It continues; the low-grade mineralized haloes range up to 0.769% nickel while the narrow high-grade mineralization sections from 1 metre up to 10.5 metres true widths typically assays between 1% to 4% nickel.

A total of 9,982 samples (4,249 from Langmuir No.1 & 5,733 from Langmuir No.2 - North Zone) for re-assaying for nickel, copper, gold, platinum, palladium from Activation Labs of Ontario. Keep in mind folks, we have seen these results in the technical reports already. It seems to me about 2/3 of the re-assayed values came in higher than the original nickel grades produced.

And shall we not forget the best for last;

Micon International of Toronto will incorporate the total metal content information into the NI 43-101 resource estimations for the North Zone and Langmuir No.1 Mine.

SGS Mineral Services has been contracted to complete metallurgical analysis of the nickel mineralization zones encountered at the North Zone and Langmuir No.1 Mine. This as mentioned many times, we know as already being completed.

And the summary of the Diamond Drilling on the Langmuir Property are 123 drill holes for Langmuir No.1 Mine for 33,500+ metres of core, 151 drill holes at Langmuir No.2 - North Zone for 30,200+ metres of core, and a further 60 drill holes of Langmuir Exploration Targets for an extra 21,000+ metres of core.

In total thats almost 85,000 metres of core that were drilled in the ISM Langmuir Project. Thats 85kms of core folks there alone. No other nickel deposit in the Timmins area has been drilled out so extensively. Maybe Montcalm by Xstrata but I'm not sure of that. They are a bit secretive on that stuff.

So folks, stay focussed on the facts and ignore the noise. Best to all,

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