Welcome To The Inspiration Mining HUB On AGORACOM

The company is exploring for nickel deposits on its Langmuir property near Timmins, Ontario; for nickel-gold-copper on its Cleaver and Douglas properties; and for molybdenum and rare earth elements at recently acquired Desrosiers property.

Message: Focus....


posted on Jan 10, 2010 09:11PM

Too often on these boards (and not just in this hub), people lose their focus on the facts and their investments and instead focus on bashing each others brains out. Instead of evaluating investments and available information, posters spend their time evaluating other people's motives... and sometimes even their ability to spell.

These hubs are useless if they are simply a place where people call each other bashers and promoters and petition to get each other thrown off of the board. While I filter out the silly posts with outrageous claims of grandeur and those with unsubstantiated bashing, I do value the discussion on the merits of the investment from the reasonable people with a reasonable argument.... both for and against.

People on this hub have been complaining about the lack of information from management for a long time. Now you finally have it, and instead of having a cooperative analysis and discussion that can help with making a decision to buy and sell, you have a battle over motives and petitions to have each others posts pulled. What a waste of an opportunity for sound investment analysis and good electrons!

I suggest that there be a strict adherence to Agoracom's 6 rules, and at this time especially number 5. I also suggest that people have respect for the opinion of others, including those who are relatively less enthusiastic about the company's outlook. There just might be some good advice in there from time to time that might help one make a better investment decision.

If you didn't come here to find out what other people know and think of this investment opportunity, then why did you come here?

For reference, the 6 rules follow.



Participation in AGORACOM’s General Forums is a privilege and not a right. Though we have used a lighter side in getting our point across, contravention of any of the following will lead to automatic termination of forum privileges:

To ensure your continued participation on AGORACOM, follow these 6 simple rules:


Swearing or use of foul language is strictly prohibited… in any language (We have 42 interpreters on staff to keep an eye on those International members). For the record, ##$!#&% or any combination thereof is considered profanity.


Calling another member an idiot, clown, stupid, dumb, moron or ##x%x# for brains is strictly prohibited.


Yes, nobody can believe what happened to Turtle on Entourage, or that Monica Lewinsky took a job at the Kremlin, or that Romo dropped the field goal snap and crushed Cowboy fans everwhere. However, this is not the place to discuss TV shows, politics or sports… O.K. maybe a little sports.


Enough said... unless your brother in-law really is Michael Dell’s chauffeur.


Unsubstantiated claims of grandeur or impending doom are best left to Nostradamus as they will cost you some valuable points towards your rating. Also included in this category is repetition of the same question, fact or opinion over and over after a response has been provided or if there is currently no ascertainable answer.

6. Caps lock and use of !!!!!!!

NOTHING AND WE MEAN NOTHING IS MORE AGGRAVATING AND ANNOYING THAN READING A POST THAT LOOKS LIKE THIS!!!!!! IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY, IT DOESN’T BECOME ANYMORE NOTICEABLE WHEN YOU TYPE IT IN CAPS!!!!! IN FACT, MOST PEOPLE TEND TO IGNORE THESE KINDS OF POSTS!!!!... Exceptions will be made for those deserted on a deserted island (with a kick ass internet connection) and sending out a distress signal, or anyone who invested in WorldCom, Enron, Tyco, Nortel, Webvan, Pets.com or Sideware and needs to freak out every year.

We trust the gist of our point has been made. Be good to your fellow members, respect their opinions and understand there will be different levels of expertise posting on these boards. Otherwise, kiss our privacy statement goodbye as we hand out your address and phone number to everyone you piss off… oops!

Sincerely, AGORACOM

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