Langmuir/Micon related questions:
1)Are they drilling now at Langmuir?....if so how many rigs?
>From Page 16 of the May 17th MD&A
“Since the release of the January 6, 2010 Report, attention is now being focusing upon exploring those nearby anomalies present on that property whose initial results indicate high value ores. Planning of the next exploration program that aim on the nickel deposit extensions and on parallel mineralized zones was also carried out. During the three month period ended March 31, 2010, the work on the Langmuir property was limited to the logging and assaying of some of the previous exploration holes.”
Answer is NO, no rigs; processing samples that have already been drilled but not assayed.Mark V indicated that they have only assayed approximately 10% of what has been drilled.This is why Hole 51 was discovered after the fact.
*Follow up question: WHY NOT?