You asked Wildcatter : "Any thoughts if ISM is ever going to release the Ni 43-101 update Resource Report on the Langmuir Properties? Can you share with us the positives you still see in having ISM as an investment in your portfolio?"
Wildcatter replied : "Yes." "No."
I've been told I'm of simple mind, so perhaps you can help me out.
Does the "Yes" mean, "Yes" he has thoughts on if ISM is ever going to release the Ni 43-101 update Resource Report on the Langmuir Properties, or does it mean, "Yes" ISM is going to release the NI 43-101 update etc etc.......?
Does the "No" mean, "No" he can't share with us the positives he still sees in having ISM as in investment in his portfolio or does it mean "No" there are no positives in having ISM as an investment etc etc etc.........?
I'd really appreciate reading what you think his answers to your questions might mean.