Welcome To The Inspiration Mining HUB On AGORACOM

The company is exploring for nickel deposits on its Langmuir property near Timmins, Ontario; for nickel-gold-copper on its Cleaver and Douglas properties; and for molybdenum and rare earth elements at recently acquired Desrosiers property.

Message: Where's Nickel's Post?

It seems that people skim the Agora posts. These guys have said it well.

"We wish to thank everyone who took the time to state your opinion about the recent transgressions on this forum. We appreciate your arguments and hope that with the assistance of our staff, we can set the record straight and get the community moving in a factual, evidence based discussion.

Being veterans of discussion forums, we understand that investors have a tendancy to sway from company fundamentals during the lag time between press releases. As such, we are willing to give everyone a little latitude.

Being so, given the number of members that post to this forum, a little latitude for everyone can quickly lead us way off topic."

I tend to give a little latitude too. I also tend to let offending posts lay a while so posters do get a read and possibly a sense for what flavour they are. As I said before a little vent may be what is needed to make a point and relieve some steam. But when an inch is given and then some take a mile, it doesn't help things. I also notice that it seems the weekends get that way here. The time for venting has been given more than once in the last 6 weeks since the Micon report.

The NSR post/s and all it's offtopic sideshoots is really about a move that is water under the bridge for a purchase that was made sometime ago. The fact that the company has stated why it felt there was a good reason to do so some two years ago was also mentioned then. Show me where they keep the crystal ball here folks so we can review every past decision ever made by the group at ISM. I also would like to know if Langmuir is good bet or if I should be investing in nickel explorers come 5 yrs time.

Coming on now and looking in the rear view mirror when we have since seen the markets for base metals etc collapse is truly a 20/20 look. I bet there are many decisions that given hindsight may have seemed wrong or premature.

Repeated statements of non-factual rhetoric and off the cuff soft bashing will not be allowed. Scintering what was supposed to be a response to one thing with many other sidetrips into lala land of sideways soft bashing isn't welcome here either. the list of what ifs is a mile long. Stick with what is real and what can be verified.

We know nothing more of the langmuir economics than what is publically stated. To infer that there are non economical grades and ore bodies here without PROOF won't be allowed either.

Example: Coming on and stating outright we have nothing but inferred resources when there are fact based examples and releases saying we have indicated resources is not on the up and up either.

There are opinions and then there are outright bashes. Some posts tend to get inflammatory. Please do not mask an underlying trash post with subtle bits and bytes of legitimate posting. Ultimately they go in the garbage can too. Readers here are not stupid. That goes for all posters who seemingly wear the black and the white hats here.Many have a good nose for posts that are going down the wrong road.

Know the difference folks. Stay on topic and please do not turn this site into a garbage dump of personal battles and games of last tag. Otherwise there will be posts pulled. You are all adults follow the rules and use some common sense. If you want that kind of interaction, there is another "investor"site called Stockhouse to visit and partake in.

*If you post and think, "boy I better save this one cause I know it's going to be yanked" Then you are obviuously knowingly walking the edge here.

Lastly, if you have a strong urge to unload or vent with some concern and or question moves made by the company and it's leadership, I suggest you call them directly.


Contact Us

Inspiration Mining
Randy Miller
Exchange Tower
130 King St. W., Suite 1800
Bx 427
Toronto, ON CANADA
M5X 1E3

Tel: 416-842-9000
Fax: 416-865-3368

Email: randy@inspirationmining.com

Stock quotes
Symbol: ISM

Investor Relations
Gale Capital Corporation
Mark van der Horst, FCSI
BUS 604-221-7604
FAX 604-221-7606

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