Massive Black Horse Chromite Discovery

Black Horse deposit has an Inferred Resource Now 85.9 Million Tonnes @ 34.5%

Message: Thunder Bay Chamber AGM

Don, next time were going to a function I will have a look for you too.

I also sat with Thunder Bay City Councilor Rebecca Johnson, Who I gave a few incites to about the ROF. She knew nothing about the ROF or its potential, she does now however. The Mayor of Greenstone was also at the table, an old KIN buddy of my dad. One well informed guy and he will be pressing hard for development in his area.

Your right Don Matawa was well represented, at the end of the dinner they talked to Frank for quite some time.

p.s. Stievie Ray, When I talked to Frank the initial distrabution of DD will be going to three companies. I never had a chance to ask but I think all three companies will be adding to the property baseof DD, just my speculation.


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