Massive Black Horse Chromite Discovery

Black Horse deposit has an Inferred Resource Now 85.9 Million Tonnes @ 34.5%

Message: 1% net smelter royalty - how much is it in $

1% net smelter royalty - how much is it in $

posted on Mar 16, 2010 12:12PM

If anyone sees any errors in my calculations please correct me:

Price per lb of ferrochrome: US103c/lb

Anticipated production from 2 (Not 3) prospects where KWG has 1% net smelter royalty: 400,000 to 800,000 tones of ferrochrome per year (based on the Cliff's own evaluation) ... lets use 600,000 tones

1 tone = 2,204.62 lb

600,000 tones = 1,322,773,000 lb * US$ 1.03 = US$ 1,362,456,190 ... (yes that's how much Cliff is going to get from their CAD 1.00/share take over of FWR.

KWG's share = 1% of US$ 1,362,456,190 = 13M/year of cash flow

Upside potential:

1. I used 600,000 not 800,000 tones per year & that evaluation includes 2 prospects only

2. Prices are expected to go up (read the article)


References (I do feel like doing a school project in grade 10 now ... lol):

Quote from the article below: "... ferrochrome prices, now at US103c/lb, were expected to rise in 2010, with the Merafe marketing team in Asia at the time of going to press to negotiate second-quarter prices."

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