Massive Black Horse Chromite Discovery

Black Horse deposit has an Inferred Resource Now 85.9 Million Tonnes @ 34.5%

Message: Net Smelter Return

Net Smelter Return

posted on Mar 27, 2010 11:27AM

I got a call from Chris Meraw, on or about March 12 and we had what I thought was a informitive talk. Wanted to know more about the Net Smelter fees and how they worked. He sent me this and said I could share and I did.

But here it is again. Ghostbuyer

;Net Smelter Return

posted on Mar 12, 10 05:48PM

Well StevieRay & all the others who helped me find some info. I write Chris of KWG and asked him about the Smelter Return and he sent me this bit of information and told me to share if you want and I want to.

Hi Ray,
Good question, here is the answer...
"The NSR is a royalty that will be paid directly to the company (KWG) based on the ore mined and processed. It is not something that will be necessarily paid out to shareholders. It will be used to create shareholder value."
Feel free to post and have a great weekend!
Chris Meraw
Corporate Communications
KWG Resources Inc.
(416) 642-3575
(888) 642-3575 (Toll Free)
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