Massive Black Horse Chromite Discovery

Black Horse deposit has an Inferred Resource Now 85.9 Million Tonnes @ 34.5%

Message: Some good Information!
May 07, 2010 03:40PM

This is what I found:

I spoke with Bruce at KWG on Wednesday April 5th. This is just the preliminary 43-101. The actual COMPLETE 43-101 will HAVE to be released in 45 days from the date the guys at KWG received it , which, according to Bruce was @ May 3, 2010. So based on that, around about June 17th or so the COMPLETE 43-101 will be released showing not just the Chromite but ALL the metals , their concentrations and locations per drill hole. Bruce did not tell me anything specific but did mention the drill results were good. I also asked Bruce about a reverse split regarding KWG and was told that a RS is NOT on the table at this time or in the forseeable future and that all the talk about SPQ and their possible RS as per a recent news release regarding SPQ has NOTHING to do with KWG. I was also told that the railroad project is moving forward as every 1000 feet along the road bed for the rail has to be drill and checked for ground stability to ensure the railroad road bed can support the weight. Those dam ore cars are HEAVY don't you know! Well that road bed drilling is almost complete and the next planning stage for rail construction is under way, and it will be using the data gathered from the every 1000 feet of the surveyed road bed right of way drill program. Bruce had no idea why KWG's share price was down and could only speculate that ALL the markets were down. Bruce and I both joked that it would be nice to have money on hand to BUY MORE kwg shares at the lower prices. That was the end of our conversation.

Insiders are buying like crazy and at 0.125$ and that is almost double from here, also lot of bashers are showing here and on SH board, good signs for things to come, this will be good, I will buy the rest of KWG now, and let's move up!


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