IR advises that drilling will start this month. Will Cliffs allow this to happen? We expect (and hope) that more drilling will show a much greater resource. The question is, with Cliffs avowed intention back in May to take over both KWG/SPQ are they going to gamble that we will not see a vast increase in our valuable chromite and possibly other pm's? With Cliffs obviously almost in total control of SPQ, except for a few die-hard shareholders hoping to ride KWG coat-tails for a possible increase over the .19 cents most everyone else received when it goes to the arbitrator, are they going to allow us to have 30% of BD when we complete our earn-in? We know that if we show improvement in our drilling results, that the paltry .19 SPQ rolled over for will not be sufficient for KWG shareholders so the question remains, will they allow us to gain the knowledge of what we have or try one of their cheap ploys as per FWR/SPQ and try to do more mickey mouse tactics and steal another part of BD? Our last NR was on Aug 9th so is anything else going on, such as talks with someone else, or do we not have anything to tell our shareholders at this time? Questions, questions, but no answers! rj