Massive Black Horse Chromite Discovery

Black Horse deposit has an Inferred Resource Now 85.9 Million Tonnes @ 34.5%

Message: Still In The Game

Keep Digging; you question the present value of KWG shareprice as Cliffs announcing they will develop Black Thor instead of Big Daddy. Keep in mind that Black Thor has inferred resource of 6.9 million tonnes @ 31.9% chromite while Big Daddy has 23.2 M @40.66% and a further 16.3 M @39.09% which means Big Daddy can be direct shipped for processing and with our chromite almost 30% more pure than Black Thor, common sense would tell you that Big Daddy should be developed first or at the very least along with Black Thor which many believe will happen once the mining starts. Our low share price should not deter anyone from buying all the KWG they can as this stock is going to be a definite winner eventually. All in my opinion, please do your own dd. rj

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