Massive Black Horse Chromite Discovery

Black Horse deposit has an Inferred Resource Now 85.9 Million Tonnes @ 34.5%

Message: Interesting news

All KWG Longs,

I’m happy to see plenty of debate and opinions being shared relative to the appointment of the KSU rep.

As I’ve said before, I’m fine with taking the role for the reasons I have previously provided (in Toronto, good relations with KWG IR, etc). However, I sense reluctance to anyone else putting their name in the hat and/or nominating others – what’s going on?

My challenge to all KWG posters is to ignite some energy around our cause and to think about this carefully and act accordingly. If there are no other nominations or interest in this, I will consider pulling out as the lack of interest and/or energy at this stage may be indicative of future behaviours and as I’ve said before – I’m not into herding cats. Treat this nominee process like you have with your KWG investment and everyone do your own due diligence!

In the meantime, there have been requests for more info about me (from goodheart) and a more explicit declaration of my agenda (from goldhunter). I’m happy to address both below:

I live and work in downtown Toronto. I have multiple degrees, mostly in business. My ‘real’ job is an executive level role in a multi-billion dollar company, am also a professor at the business school of a Toronto university and I have also been appointed to the Board of Directors of a junior mining company that is going public this summer.

I have done many private placements in junior miners, including a few in KWG. I hold well over one million shares of KWG. I have been a shareholder since 2008 when I bought the majority of my holdings in both KWG and Spider. I went through the Cliffs mugging of Spider shareholders and was on the phone with Neil “Too Tired” Novak almost daily. Although I followed the KWG/Spider Agoracom blogs since 2008, I have only become active in posting and sharing in the last 2 years.

My agenda is quite simple – I want to maximize shareholder and my return on this investment. I do not want to get Spider-mugged again. For clarity, I am not attempting an infiltration of this group for any reason. The KWG bloggers have provided a wonderful learning and sharing environment and you have all been so kind to share your information and perspective with me and I hope that I have demonstrated reciprocity in my posts. A key requirement in this role is trust – and if there are some that feel uncomfortable with me for any reason than that is fine and I will surely support the nomination and selection of another in any way that I can.

Let’s see how this KSU process plays out. I did give KWG management a head’s up that it was being discussed on this forum and the response that I received back was overwhelmingly positive and supportive. I think this should encourage all posters to think about stepping up themselves and/or nominating others for this lead role.

One word of caution! If KSU progresses and we will be discussing shareholder decisions and management alignment on this forum, beware it is a public forum and is completely accessible to the all – including Cliffs. And don’t think for a moment that big companies do not conduct media searches on a daily basis to gain insight to the word on the street – see my day job above.

Going long on KWG,

Keep Digging

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