Let's not forget that KWG has in their possession the Golders soils report which I think required a full season of drilling (winter 2010/11 ) and generated 500? boreholes along the full length of the right of way; cost ~$13 mm. Do you think that KWG is just going to give this report away to some expropriator, be it Cliffs or Ontario gov for $13mm; not likely. The expropriator would have start over from scratch and loose a year in the process. Oh and by the way, perhaps the reason KWG was able to apply for 32? gravel pit applications along the right of way is because, just maybe, they are the only ones who know where the gravel is. I would hazard a guess that being the exclusive aggragate supplier to the transportation corridor, be it rail or road, is likely to be equally lucrative as mining chromite.