Massive Black Horse Chromite Discovery

Black Horse deposit has an Inferred Resource Now 85.9 Million Tonnes @ 34.5%

Message: NDP To Wynne: Keep Ring Of Fire Jobs In Ontario
NDP To Wynne: Keep Ring Of Fire Jobs In Ontario
Written by Michael Mantha, NDP Northern Development and Mines Critic
Wednesday, 10 April 2013 15:07

In question period today, NDP Northern Development and Mines Critic Michael Mantha urged the government to maximise the economic potential of Northern mining developments.
“The Ring of Fire presents endless opportunities for Northern Ontario and the province,” explained Mantha. “However, instead of seeing development and job creation, the past years of Liberal government have been marked by job losses in the North. Look no further than Xstrata and Timmins to see that we are losing good, value-added jobs and crippling our workforce for years to come.”
Tomorrow, MPPs will debate Bill 43, Mantha’s Private Member’s Bill, which would require all ore and minerals mined in Ontario to be refined in Ontario as well.
“In the Ontario Mining Act, it states that companies must ask for an exemption to ship resources outside of the country. But our competition comes from other provinces, provinces like Manitoba, like Quebec, whose price of electricity is half that of ours in Ontario,” explained Mantha.
“If this government is serious about stimulating the economy and creating new jobs, will they commit to supporting the refining of minerals and ores in Ontario?,” asked Mantha.
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