Massive Black Horse Chromite Discovery

Black Horse deposit has an Inferred Resource Now 85.9 Million Tonnes @ 34.5%

Message: KWG & Bold to Resume Drilling at Black Horse


From 6 Jan NR:

"Metallurgical test work which is ongoing has produced encouraging results to indicate that the Black Horse chromite appears to be amenable to reduction into metalized chrome and iron using natural gas. These results dictated that a number of transportation and underground mining trade-off studies be undertaken and those are currently underway."

I found both part of the above paragrapgh interesting

- underlined: consistent with the Dec monthly report (posted by Goodheart). So they now have "encouraging" results of those tests.

- italics: This is a complicated/convoluted sentence (would appear that companies love this kind of talk), but could it be disected and interpreted to simple language that normal folks can understand, as shown below?

(a)the EW road is required initially to bring supplies and equipments to the RoF and perhaps for NOT to take Ni concentrate out (initially at higher costs but still profitable);

(b) but the NS RR will be needed to take the bulk material (chromite) out. Later on, NOT may switch to the RR for Ni as well to reduce the cost of transportation;

(c): the gas-powered smelter will be build at the southern end of the NS RR.


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