Massive Black Horse Chromite Discovery

Black Horse deposit has an Inferred Resource Now 85.9 Million Tonnes @ 34.5%

Message: Meeting
I typically only read/monitor Agoracom for comments and only post on rare occasions.... I provide the comments below just because I did take the time to attend this meeting. I also attended last years meeting. The meeting had a very thin attendance (only 3 total shareholders attended - including myself). The super share and preference shares motions were withdrawn (again) as there was not enough support. Cliffs who have approx 11% of outstanding shares per Frank, voted against those initiatives as did one other institutional investor whose name I cannot remember. In fact Frank advised that Cliffs had submitted that IF those motions were somehow carried/enacted, they wanted the right to have their shares redeemed at "FMV" right away. Frank advised that FMV would have to be determined somehow (no specifics) and as such due to all of these background challenges, these share restructure motions were withdrawn. Frank advised there is to be another KWG meeting at the same location and time on July 30th - the day after the Cliffs AGM and special meeting. This seemed to be due to the fact that the CLF meeting on the 29th of July and their fight with Casablanca might bring some change of thought or direction on the part of Cliffs at that meeting..? Frank was asked about the status of the Deloitte report and he responded that they are quite a way from having the report they were mandated to prepare completed. He surmised that since Premier Wynne said she would be taking action on the ROF within 60 days of her re election, that she will have some decisions to make (move ahead and just ask Deloittes to bill for what they have done to date OR that Wynne may pursue other options - what those might be were not expanded upon). Hard to speculate on this - I made comment that I sincerely hoped she did not break her 60 day action promise - after all, politicians never break a campaign promise do they!!... Other then what I've mentioned, really nothing else worthy of mention. The entire meeting was over in approx 25 minutes. Happy Canada Day to all Topdog
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