Massive Black Horse Chromite Discovery

Black Horse deposit has an Inferred Resource Now 85.9 Million Tonnes @ 34.5%

Message: Re: CLIFFs is gone, so now what?
Jul 30, 2014 09:45AM


There are so many variations in these speculations that we would be exhausted going through them all, lol. Sometimes, the outcome would follow a very simple path, e.g. Frank talking to the new CLF Kahuna, and if the stars are all lined up with the new CLF vision, an agreement in principle would emerge and the two would leave the handshake agreement to their corporate lawyers/accountants to scream at each other for the details.

Imagine something like the shipyard deal in the movie "Pretty Woman" between the corporate raider Edward Lewis (Richard Gere) and the shipyard owner James Morse. The deal direction suddendly changed 180 degrees under the influence of a woman (a pretty one). It could happen here between KWG/CLF and others. Lesson learned from this movie: Nobody can predict the future, including the corporate raider supposedly with a one-track mind.

I would wait for the next few days/weeks for the next (chess) move, not sure by whom. But, someone said Premier Wynne was/is in Marten Falls?


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