The ROF is now Canadian. NOT and KWG can now work together to offer what the FN are looking for with the development of the ROF and at the same time for the benefit of Canada. Its a better situation now. NOT and KWG are Canadian companies and therefore will have a need to act in the best interest of Canadians which includes the FN. The FN should realize that it was crucial to secure the ROF chromite into Canadian interests. Now that this has been accomplished the canadian companies can concentrate in working with Governments and the FN to develop a stainless steel industry which is Canadian grown and owned to benefit Canadians. Its always better to work together than to lie cheat and try to steal from each other. OK now its the Governments turn to shift into first gear and get this this started. Enough talk. Talk is cheap Libs and Feds do what you were voted in for. To create jobs and improve all Canadian's standards of living starting with the most deserving FN.