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Message: NAN's ROF road

NAN's ROF road

posted on Nov 28, 15 12:25AM Use the IP Check tool [?]

Did NAN get the road they insisted on to service their communites and the ROF at the Chief's meeting?

"Officials with Nishnawbe Ask Nation says mining and other developments in the Ontario’s far North won’t take place unless First Nations are the decision-makers at the forefront of that development.

“The days are long gone when industry or government can exploit our land and the resources it contains,” NAN Grand Chief Harvey Yesno declared in an address to the Ontario Mining Forum held in Thunder Bay on Wednesday.

As proof that NAN is determined to lead in the Ring of Fire development in the lower James Bay area, Yesno said the identification of key transportation corridors will be based on First Nation knowledge of local topography, sacred sites, cultural heritage and environment and resource development activities."

Matawa First Nations is a member and is smack dab in the middle of the ROF.
NAN is a political territorial organization representing 49 First Nation communities within northern Ontario with the total population of membership (on and off reserve) estimated around 45,000 people. These communities are grouped by Tribal Council (Windigo First Nations Council, Wabun Tribal Council, Shibogama First Nations Council, Mushkegowuk Council, Matawa First Nations, Keewaytinook Okimakanak, and Independent First Nations Alliance) according to region.

Wynne has already signed an accord with NAN....,_Ontario_Regional_Chief_agreement_will_lead_to_resource_sharing

"The accord Premier Kathleen Wynne and Ontario Chief Isadore Day signed on Monday created a formal bilateral relationship between the province and 133 First Nations in the territory.

It estabilshed self-governance as a right while it made commitments to hold regular meetings and cooperate on matters like treaty rights and revenue sharing."

Could it be that the NAN road and revenue sharing are the last ducks to get lined up before a big announcement? ROF road and Chinese railway should get the jib done!

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