"Gravelle wouldn't say what those changes might be, only promising they will be unveiled over the next few weeks.
"There's no question the mining sector is going through a challenging time," he told CBC News. "We went out there to consult with people about how could our renewed, revitalized mineral development strategy bring forward some recommendations to help stimulate the sector. Hopefully, when we do release this, which will be before the end of this year, you will see some of the fruits of that labour and those consultations coming to bear.""
Have NO expectation that what will be announced will have any impact on the ROF but rather on new future mining procedures. One major change I suspect will be that rather than requiring mining cos to negotiate with third party (FNs for example) the gov't will take on that responsibility in all future mining opportunities. This change has been the supposed approach taken in the ROF for a couple of years now so this is the precedent. They've already announced one change - Online mining claim registration - which again will have no affect on ROF as all the claims are already registered.