Massive Black Horse Chromite Discovery

Black Horse deposit has an Inferred Resource Now 85.9 Million Tonnes @ 34.5%

Message: Who will mine KWG's chromite?

Reading Goodhearts post, it is obvious we are getting near crunch time. At what point does a Major step forward and take over the mining of our chromite? We are only an exploration Company and barely have enough funds to keep the office open, let alone start mining our chromite. The Chinese will build and finance the RR (hopefully), but who will do the actual mining? China wants the product and that is why they will build the RR. You would think some Mining Major would be sniffing around with the goal of doing the heavy lifting and starting and getting the mine into production so the RR can be utilized once it is in place. I am sure it will be a Canadian Major Mining Firm who will do the actual mining, although I may be wrong. On another matter, out of the North Bay Conference going on today, for the CEO of the Matawa FN to say they prefer to see roads used rather than rail to move the chromite so more communities will have road access provided must have his head up his a.., as we all know it is just not freasible to move heavy chromite by road from mine site to smelter, just ask Cliffs. We know how far they got with that proposal, yet our NOT Brethern Leader, goes right along with the statement saying yes the RR can come later. Somebody forgot to tell the Chinese as they are talking to KWG not NOT, and for them it is all about moving the chromite, not nickel by rail. rj

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