Massive Black Horse Chromite Discovery

Black Horse deposit has an Inferred Resource Now 85.9 Million Tonnes @ 34.5%

Message: Re: notice of agm meeting place + unlimited shares

What is confusing to many people is the wording of how the share structure works and people thinking there are 2 groups of shares. There is not

Here's a simple way of looking at it. If all our shares were pennies, and you put them in a barrel, we'd have almost a billion pennies in this barrel.

If an institution wanted a super share, they would have to collect 300 pennies from the one and only barrel to make one super share.

As it stands now, with 4.8 million on the ask at 3 cents, how long would it take a major hedge fund/bank to scoop these up if they can also margin the stock? Not very long for certain. That would be about 16,00 shares at a cost of $144,000.00 to the institution. Chicken feed when you consider there will be millions spent once deals are in place.

Hope this explains it a bit better. Good luck to all ROF investors.


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