I just wanted to introduce myself to everyone. This seems like a pretty friendly forum with some informed FSN listeners.
I am from Baltimore and have been in KBX since late 2005, after having some success in other gold and oil stocks earlier in the year. I've been listening to FSN since Katrina and Rita, which were (for me, at least) my first true realization that things are not right with the country, the world economy, our fiat money system, and Peak Oil.
I have at times wondered about the stability of Mexico myself, but defer to JP since he has more to lose than I do. I do think he should talk more about Mexico in future broadcasts.
I've got the usual portfolio of Canroys, some alt. energy, uranium, PM stocks with emphasis on silver: HL, EXK, FRMSF, SVMFF, KBX, SSRI, MFN, TYHJF, OKOFF, GPRLF, and some majors on the gold side.
I bought many of these at what I thought to be support (EXK at $3.30, MFN a little above $10, etc.) and am getting a bit hammered by the shorts. REALLY, REALLY sick of this BS.
Glad to be in the presence of experienced and knowledgable investors like JP, EKing, SB, and BAires. I especially wanted to say thanks to SB for all of his insight and regular postings.