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Message: Today's Level 2 Activity

I don't have the benefit of Level II but I have seen, ever since the recent peak, the same trading pattern in "time and sales" that is indicative of the return of the "shorts." Specifically there is a moderate size ask offer that never goes away. If it is bought up it is immediately replaced (and almost never at a higher price as logic would dictate and as is seen in any other stock I have ever followed). As the day goes on that never ending ask offer is reduced penny by penny until the share price is successfully prevented from being even slightly encouraging.

My advice: do two things

1. Read the excellent post by Sitting Bull just prior to your post and realize that in addition to the spendthrift 401K liquidators there will be those (with vision) who will see the value of there 401K being shredded and will sell out as well. These however are not the spenders but will be seeking a place to put their retirement money. Where do you think that will go. Hint - metals, things, anywhere but paper.

2. Re the shorts: "Leave them alone and they will come home wagging their tails behind them." Only in this case their home will be a 10' X 10' steel cage and they will be wagging their tongues in front of them.


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