My mother once taught me that God does not play favorites. I was brought up Catholic. Catholics don't read the Bible much. So I never read the Bible either until I was about 23 years old and realized that God does play favorites, i.e. “God loved Jocab, but hated Esau.” Malachi 1:3; Romans 9:13
What most people don’t realize is that God "favors those who buy Kimber and Hates those who short it." --Genesis 23:12
Other Biblical passages of note include:
And behold my people shall find gold and great treasure in the Sierra Madre at the Monterde. --Leviticus 12:14
For those who dig deeply high grade gold will be found at the Carmen --Judges 18:12
Follow my Prophet Eric into the Wilderness of Mexico, and find Gold there and great Treasure. --Numbers 21:11
And those that persevere and do not panic shall be rewarded, and those who sell Kimber short will be cast into the fiery pit.-- Revelation 22:1