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Message: Another prescient view, perhaps

Another prescient view, perhaps

posted on Aug 16, 2008 11:40AM

The following quote is from Ty Andros of Tedbits.

"The greatest REFLATION in history is unfolding before our very eyes. People refer to the “over the counter derivatives” such as Collateralized Debt Obligations, Collateralized Mortgage Obligations, Collateralized Loan Obligations and Mortgage backed securities as toxic waste. That is too narrow, G7 currencies and bonds are included in that definition as well. Heavily indebted, income-short G7 governments have the printing press firmly in their plans to meet their commitments.

The public is now very much out of the commodities and precious metals investments; unfortunately for them the Dollar’s long term demise is still unavoidable. The Dollar can rally and is doing so in BEAR MARKET type countertrend rally, kind of like 300 Dollar rallies in the DOW.

Volatility is OPPORTUNITY for the prepared investor and it is abundant. These moves up and down are OPPORTUNITIES! These plunges in real things is just an example of throwing out the babies with the bathwater. Use your funds to buy more of EVERYTHING that is real. The world is not going to end, just change. The winners and losers will be determined by the amount of work you do and the ability to sift through FEAR (false evidence appearing real) and main stream financial media SPIN!"

A pretty good depiction of the financial seen IMO.


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