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Message: Message from Frustrated Kimber Shareholder

Message from Frustrated Kimber Shareholder

posted on Sep 02, 2008 10:09AM

THis is a private message I got from a member whom I will keep anonymous,

SB, The most frustrating part of this is that a junior comes out with good or great news and gets a yawn from the market. What catalyst will cause Kimber to finally realize its intrinsic value?

Frustrated Kimber shareholder

Dear Frustrated,

I do not know what the catalyst will be be. We cannot always know the details in life, but we can know certain ends and then craft our methods to move towards those knowable ends. We need to work with what we know, not with what we do not. Sounds like a simple philosophy, but ones thoughts and philosophical musings are not always easy to put into practice, especially when ones patience and resources are strained. We know what must happen to our currency. There can be no escaping this. Our reasoning in right, we just need to follow our reasoning to its inevitable conclusion. There is no escaping the gravity of what our economic system has placed before us. Do you believe this? If you do not or cannot, then you are in the wrong game and are merely another shooter at the giant seeming crap table of life. At the giant seeming crap table of life even a real idiot can win big sometimes, but ultimately the house always comes out ahead. In the house of economics, sound money always wins. It can be no other way in the long run. And right now, we are at the end of a long run of mischievous behavior that is leading to an inevitable crash. One of the characteristics of a crash is that those involved do not see it coming. If I see someone driving like a maniac, I know that sooner or later, unless he changes his ways, he will crash, but I can't say when exactly that will happen. And he certainly can't foresee it, or else he'd drive more carefully right at the right time to avert disaster. Many times as the driver starts taking more and more chances, driving faster and faster, it appears to him he is getting luckier and luckier (i.e. gaining greater favor with the gods), when in reality he is just tempting fate to a greater extent (testing the patience of the gods and starting to annoy them) The driver starts to see himself as something special in creation, due extra privileges and compensations for his seeming driving prowess. The crash most likely will come just a short time after one of his greatest driving stunts, when his arrogance allows him to believe he is at the height of his powers. Bull

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