It would help to keep in mind that the great majority of people could not if asked define what a fiat currency is. The idea that the dollar, which is considered money today, might not be considered money tomorrow, is something very foreign to the common mind. People are rushing into dollars for a variety of reasons. Yes, they need it for transactions, but I tend to believe that, more than that, they are running to it for safety. What could be safer than the dollar, the almighty dollar? That's the way people think about it. And it is a dangerous way to think. Can you think of another common phrase that identifies a thing or person that commonly uses the adjective "Almighty?" Are people thinking of the dollar as if it were God? As if it could protect them from everything evil that might befall them? Interesting... When the dollar starts to fail, to fall... great will be the fall of it in my view, and great will be the suffering of those who have placed their faith in it. Just some thoughts. Bull