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Creating value through Exploration and Development in the Sierra Madre of Mexico

Message: Here's another one

All: It is wise to never underestimate your enemies, but equally wise to not underestimate your leaders. I have met Gordon Cummins on a few occasions, and have always thought him intelligent and forward thinking, but I think we are all about to find out just how forward thinking he is. Kimber has a good-sized deposit, but we all might find out within the next few months that Kimber has a mammoth deposit. Gordon suspects this to be a reality; he might even know it to be a reality. I don't know whether it is a reality or not, and I doubt very many people not in the deepest inner circle of the company do know. Gordon is certainly circumspect enough not to reveal a bit of news like that to the outside world too soon. He is patient, a quality exceedingly rare not only in mining circles but all circles of human endeavor.

I seem to reember that the original Carotare drill results looked pretty good. The Carotare is a great deal more distant from the Carmen than was the Veta Minitas. If Gordon and team can convince the big money that the deposit stretches underground from the Carmen to the Coratare, there will be giant rewards for the company.

The idea right now is to delineate the largest saleable resources possible. Gordon doesn't need to delineate it to such an extent that the group that I will refer to as the "needs to be 43-101 compliant" crowd are happy with it. He needs to delineate it enough so that the people with money, institutions and other larger mining companies and their geologists are happy with it.

In other words, his goal is in keeping with the boards plan to set Kimber up as a target, not as a trophy. The target has to big enough for the right group of hunters to see and recognize, and the right group of hunters is not necessarily large regulating government bodies, if you know what I mean.

So, the best news, might be coming last. This appears to be Gordon's style. Not only is he smart, but understands the bigger picture, the economics behind the moving gold bull market and the importance of stepping into a situation at the optimum moment.

For those of you who have a poor understanding of how important timing can be, try doing stand up comedy once or twice, and you will see what I mean.

I would not be surprised if the Carotare news is Big News. We shall see.

Please, I must ask all of you... If you are trading in and out of this stock, do so with a small part of your Kimber holdings. This is not the time to get fancy. We've been patiently waiting for a long time for things to start happening with this stock. We just got that huge rise in such a short period of time. That's a big move, but most likely not THE BIG MOVE. I don't want any of you to miss that move, which could happen at any time. regardless of public announcements or "news." Anytime! Richard Russell and Jim Sinclair have both made it abundantly clear that THE BIG MOVE is what makes one rich, not trading in and out of markets. As trite as this may sound: This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. You will never, at least not in this lifetime, see the stars lined up like this again, so to speak, so don't miss it trying to make a few thousand dollars here and there trading to impress acquaintances who probably don't really care anyway. Bull

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