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Message: Re: Puplava vs King

Apr 10, 2010 06:06AM

Apr 10, 2010 11:19AM

I have seen or heard nothing, other than the post on this board, to indicate a "falling out" between the two.

It is not unusual for two people to see a situation differently.

It appears that the 100 or more to 1 leverage in gold is typical of "financial products" according to Jeff Christian. He then mentioned currencies as having that kind of leverage. I would think bonds have it too. Puplava did not question this. But the currency market and the bond market are generally as exciting as watching paint dry so the leverage makes sense. Not so with precious metals (included in the financial products category) because they are amongst the most volatile of all markets.

Further, careful observers of the gold price action can see exactly when these "hedgers" come into the market to "hedge" their position. Bang! Bang! Bang! and the price has fallen $10/oz. Anyone selling short, either to profit or hedge, wants to get top dollar for their sale so why trade like that? It is to knock down the price, period. It is done every month before options expiry, if necessary, to make the previously "in the money" options expire worthless. It has the additional benefit to the government of keeping the chief competitor to their currencies of bonds and dollars looking better; so such action is ignored or encouraged. That is why the same tactic is applied during other set periods in the month.

Whether or not the scenario ever plays out, GATA and others of note are expecting a currency crisis before this show is all over. It is when that happens, if that happens, that the fears of the "conspiracy" people will come to the fore. Everyone and his brother will be scrambling to get real metal and most will be left standing around with paper certificates. The people outside the "conspiracy" group just don't believe this will ever happen. Perhaps they deliberately choose not to look far ahead because it is unpleasant to do so.

The non-conspiracy people look upon buying and selling gold as a means of profiting from price increases; the investing business as usual. The "conspiracy" people are viewing gold as a last resort safe haven insurance policy; nice if you make some money along the way but that's not why you own it.

Gold is given to fighter pilots as part of their survival kit. Why? Because, "At all time and under all circumstances, gold remains money." A paper currency may be useless in parts of the world where it is not recognized, accepted, or easily used. AND there have been many times in history where the currency becomes useless in the country which issued it.

I heard the following illustration which clears up the viewpoint of those who feel this situation is going to end very badly and why it is important to them that it be corrected.

You are about to take a transatlantic trip on the Titanic. As a precaution you purchase a lifeboat from the ship's purser and he gives you a cerificate of ownership for one lifeboat. Now you and your family will be safe. On the trip across the unbelievable happens; the ship strikes a giant iceberg. You and your family head down to the lifeboats and show your certifificate to the steward. You are told that there are no lifeboats. You show them your certificate. He says, "Sorry, we oversold the lifeboats. Don't worry we'll still honor that certificate, we'll give you what you paid for it and 25% extra in cash."


Apr 11, 2010 06:56PM
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