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Message: Possible Buyout Date


What is your source for a buyout that "should be valued around 200 per gold eqivalent ounce"? I have given you a recent real-world example in which one of the world's most prominent gold companies, Goldcorp, paid $62 per ounce. Where have you seen $200 recently?

What I am saying is Kimber is fairly valued right now, based on a potential buyout. At $1.04 per share the market value is nearly the same in terms of dollars per ounce as Canplats was when it was taken out. I can list a dozen other development-stage companies that trade in the range of Kimber as well.

It is only when a company produces an extremely robust Preliminary Economic Assessment that resources might be valued at $100+ per ounce. So, this is a possibility in my mind this year. However, $200+ prices are almost universally reserved for emerging producers with PROVEN AND PROBABLE reserves, which Kimber is at least 3 years away from.

Further drilling is another matter altogether. We are discussing the valuation of a buyout based on current ounces.

Your statement would carry more weight with some facts.


"A buyout should be valued around 200 per gold eqivalent ounce..However that being said we have to take into account the current share price..when that deal happened and now with kimber the share price3s are so depressed,a takeover/buyout will probably run with a 40-50 percent premium..Which is why it is very important to get the share price up..I am hoping the report will be out VERY soon..however they will b e doing more driulling to further define the carmen deposit as well as the pericones results soon...Lets all stand strong and see how things play out"

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