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Message: Buyout estimates

All: Buyout estimates based on commonly known information are next to useless. Basically, in order to win this game, someone depending on such information is saying that they are better at analyzing such information than are numerous professionals who are spending much larger amounts of time on the same process.

Obviously, a buyout estimate involving Kimber cannot be based on what is widely known. It will be based on what some might call proprietary information. Proprietary information is just someone's way of saying, "I know something you don't know and it will affect the stock price in this way." Interestingly enough, because most people exist in what Dines would call the low state of hyper-needing to be liked, proprietary information doesn't remain proprietary for very long. Not ironically, once proprietary information becomes widely disseminated, it loses it's value. More importantly, especially involving such a situation, proprietary information comes from sources who do not want it widely disseminated until they are ready. If such sources discover that a recipient of certain information is disseminating it widely, they get upset, and the information ceases coming. Such a recipient is fine to share information with as long as he can secure millions of dollars in financing, but he becomes a liability if he cannot keep his mouth shut. This is hard for such a recipient, because he "knows" things that he cannot share.

I understand that this has been a long road for all of you. You, like me are waiting every day to see something about Kimber in the news. Any news represents less than 1% of the important things going on inside or affecting this company. I hope I have helped you with my writings here. You need to invest based on who you are, in this, case, not what you know, because I can almost guarantee, you do not know, you cannot know, enough. All the best, Bull

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