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Message: Re: .49 and dropping

Nov 14, 2012 01:27PM
Nov 14, 2012 05:10PM

Nov 17, 2012 12:48PM

Nov 22, 2012 10:52PM

What you say is true at least for now.

When the weak hands have given/sold their shares to the strong hands and there is no longer any point in holding the sector down, those who have appeared to be our enemies will go to the long side and carry this sector to where we have always believed it should be... and maybe more. The unknown is when.

JimSinclair, who knows a thing or two about gold, says those who appear to be our opposition in the gold market, will switch to be solidly on the long side and then the gold price will really run. When gold runs the mining shares must come along for the ride.

It is beginning to look (when one considers the prices and the worldwide insolvency crisis) like the wait will be over before too much longer. I am not talking days but months or perhaps a year or two.

Logic and fundamentals insist that it must occur unless all the mining companies are commandeered by a world governing authority.


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