Third largest primary Gold Producer in North America

Message: Re: kinross adopts poison pill
Feb 27, 2009 06:01AM
Feb 27, 2009 11:35AM

Aurelian had a poison pill but of course it was not utilized.

That was a different kind of poison... the kind that comes from inside when your own board of directors sells you out, and your key shareholder bails on you instead of sticking around to fight. Without Barron we never had a chance. He's the guy I blame. No commitment to shareholders. No commitment to Ecuador. No backbone. Just another empty suit.

If Tye is putting a poison pill in place, to me it can mean only one thing: he expects the share price to head south. Keep some powder dry folks - maybe you'll get a chance to pick up the C warrants for another trade.

All my own opinion, and trying not to let sour grapes dictate my trading strategy. Kinross is the market darling now, so play it for all it's worth, but whatever you do don't fall in love - your affection will not be returned.


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