Third largest primary Gold Producer in North America

Message: Unionized employees strike at Mantos de Oro-La Coipa mine

Unionized employees strike at Mantos de Oro-La Coipa mine

posted on Jul 08, 2009 09:11PM

this only amounts to the loss of 300 ounces of gold a day, so it won't materially affect the company unless it drags on for months.

Toronto, Ontario, July 8, 2009 -- Unionized employees at Compañía Minera Mantos de Oro in Chile,a subsidiary of Kinross, have initiated strike action at the La Coipa mine following unsuccessful collective agreement negotiations. The strike affects production of approximately 300 gold equivalent ounces per day from the La Coipa operation. The company is seeking a resolution that is fair and equitable to employees and returns the mine to full production as soon as possible.

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