Ni, Co, Cu, PGM, Au Properties in Ontario Canada

Producing Mines and "state-of-the-art" Mill

Message: A Message From Dr. Gary Nash

Re: A Message From Dr. Gary Nash

posted on Dec 08, 2007 12:01AM
Great post John,  

So good in fact that I have taken the liberty (not to be confused with Agoracom's "Liberty" poster) of posting it on the ISM bullboard as I think it is a good message for both LBE and ISM....jmo.

I am hoping that the selling off by 'Anonymous' soon comes to an end and the stock price will increase as imo nothing in the fundamentals of the company that I am reading in the financials, the MD&A, etc. suggest anything contrary.

Anyone please correct me if I am out  to lunch with this next comment but right now it appears as if there is 5 years worth of ore at 1,500 tpd....what I am forecasting is that with the three upcoming 43-101s that ore in all likelihood will increase ... perhaps may even double existing reserves.  If a doubling can be determined through the 43-101's then we are laughing all the way to the bank jmo.  And then there is the anomaly and what it may have and McAra and the Groves property to be determined if it is economical to mine.

I don't know if I have publicly stated it but I appreciate the great job the Dr.Gary Nash and the mgmt. team are doing.   My understanding,  based on one of the financials that I read is that when the current mgmt. team took over LBE that they were left with $800.   Something to think about. 

Are there days when I am frustrated by LBE's low share price ... absolutely....this imo is a resulst of nickel prices dropping substantially, permitting delays, increase of nickel inventories, factors outside the nickel market which directly impact the nickel and other markets (recent credit worries).   At these days I remind myself of the term investing vs. day trading and realize that by this time next year the share price will be far higher imo.

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