Ni, Co, Cu, PGM, Au Properties in Ontario Canada

Producing Mines and "state-of-the-art" Mill

Message: Liberty in the News

Hey guys, when I was researching those maps I did yesterday, I came across a web page that had paraphrased the operations of both GCR and LBE. I saved it and tucked it away as a word file as it was a good read. Funny that you mention a third mine as this did too. Not sure if this is simply an obvious to you guys or maybe it backs up what Northern girl posted. The first paragraph in that article says the same thing (Hart)It's not super fresh but they do talk about 2008 plans.

D) Liberty Mines (paraphrased from Liberty Mines has targeted small, high grade nickel-copper sulphide orebodies in a belt of altered komatiite on the south side of the Shaw Dome, 24 km southeast of Timmins, Ont. The geology is similar to the Kambalda nickel belt in Australia. Liberty Mines purchased an option on the Redstone Nickel Mine from Inco Ltd in December 2004 for $250,000 plus 2 million Liberty shares. There was already some ramp-access underground development. The Redstone mine began pre-production in 2006 with ore custom-milled in Cobalt, Ont. and concentrate was shipped to Jilin Jien Nickel Co. of China. Commercial production began in July 2007, at a rate of 200 Tonnes (T) per day. Underground drilling has extended understanding of the orebody to 1,200 m. An NI43-101 measured and indicated resource of 418,931 T grading 2.32% Ni has been defined to 508 m. Definition drilling is continuing and a shaft is being built to access deeper ore. Liberty constructed a 1,500 T/day mill with a flotation circuit to separate talc from nickel sulphides. 91.7% nickel recovery has been achieved. It initially operated at 450 T/d and from October to mid-December 2007 the Redstone mill produced 803,525 lb of dry nickel in concentrate. Most of the concentrate is sold to the Xstrata Nickel smelter in Sudbury, Ont. Xstrata Nickel pays for copper, cobalt and platinum group metals. Contracted shipments to Jilin Jien are about 20 T/d to November 2010. Liberty is also exploring at the nearby Hart and McWatters projects, and the Groves project further south. At the McWatters mine, 9.5 km west of Redstone, production at 1,200-1,300 T/day is scheduled for 2008 with the ore to be concentrated at the Redstone mill. Typical intersections from definition drilling include 1.65% Ni over 39.75 m, including 2.95% Ni over 17.25 m and 7.52% Ni over 4.95 m; and 0.91% Ni over 51.40 m, including 2.05% Ni over 9.40 m. At the Hart nickel project an NI 43- 101 compliant resource/reserve technical report for the Hart deposit to 500-m depth should be released in early 2008 and Liberty is expected to declare Hart as its third mine. Funding for the Liberty developments has come from four financings in 2007, totalling $50.9 million.

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