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Message: Re: Hub Leader

Re: Hub Leader

posted on May 17, 2008 02:08AM


For what its worth - I value your contribution immensely as hub co-leader. You see I have been asked by two long standing LBE supporters if I would also take on the role of hub co-leader and I considered this for a bit of time until I realized that my way of being hub co-leader would be very strict.

I would limit the posts by ISM bb supporters stringently given that what I have noticed is that some of the bb posters come and post positive items on the lbe forum and say not so positive things on their bb.

Also I must admit that Whaler's exuberance on the LBE board posting items that he/she thinks will benefit LBE bb posters truly baffles me as his/her role (for lack of a better word) is to monitor the ISM board and leave the posting of LBE to the LBE appointed folks. Just my take on things.

I also find other ISM bb posters might also be more welcome on the ISM bb given that this is their focus.

I have refrained lately from posting my thoughts and impressions about ISM on the ISM board of late because my main focus is LBE and not ISM .. perhaps the same courtesy could be shown by ISM'ers.


May 18, 2008 07:57AM
May 18, 2008 09:20AM

May 19, 2008 06:27PM
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