Ni, Co, Cu, PGM, Au Properties in Ontario Canada

Producing Mines and "state-of-the-art" Mill

Message: Sothman Project

Re: Sothman Project

posted on May 22, 2008 11:51AM

You highlight some extremely important points, Liberty. This isn't a company that is going to make a fistfull of dollars overnight and shoot us up to a $10 share price in short order. McWatters will slowly come online over the coming months and we will edge our way towards full production. Meanwhile we work along the process to getting Hart ready to produce and continue with Redstone. At the same time we further explore our other properties to see what they truly do (or don't) contain. And, like this deal with Xstrata, we also expand outside our current properties in to new ones and explore even more opportunities for future production.

Part of the reason our share price is suffering is because we've narrowed down what we have and what we're going to make from it. Nope, it's not a massive deposit of nickel that will make us billions, but it's a nice body of ore and will generate decent returns that we can then turn in to further opportunities. One of our neighbours might hit the jackpot, or they might realize that their deposits are not economically extractable. At least we know what we have and know we can do something with it. Making ourselves in to a strong player in the region will put us in a good position to capitalize on opportunities that present themselves if one, or more, of our neighbours struggle. Xstrata's show of confidence in our company is certainly a positive sign of this occuring.

In 3-5 years, when we've exhausted McWatters and Redstone, earned our return on equity (whatever percentage that turns out to be) and are producing from Hart and potentially other properties, when we're beginning to produce other metals besides nickel, we'll look back at this period of time and wonder what we were so worried about. But, as you say Liberty, this doesn't happen right away and we have to be patient. The share price will move up in time. But we might have to wait a year or more for much to happen. I didn't invest in LBE with an expectation of doubling my money overnight, I invested in it because it demonstrated itself to have a skilled management team that had a solid plan on what they wanted to accomplish with their properties. The few hiccups aside (which always occur), they are moving along with these plans nicely. If, after 5 years, I earn a 15% or 20% annual return on my equity, I will be a happy man.

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